Hours & Directions
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Ride Height Requirements


Zipper 48"
Ring Of Fire 48"
Giant Wheel 48"
Skyflyer 48"
Rockstar 48"
Dizzy Dragons 48"
The Claw 48"
Dumbos (Elephants) 47" (38-47 with Adult)
Cliffhanger 46"
Tilt A Whirl 46"

40" - 42"

Haunted Mansion 42"
Music Express 42"
Monkey Maze 42"
Fire Chief 42"
Zero Gravity 42"
Thunderbolt 42"
Scooter 42"
Pop A Wheelie 42"
Double Carousel 42"
Cuckoo Haus 42"
Krazy Kars 42"
George Of The Jungle 40"
Mario Land 40"
Arctic Plunge 40"


Kiddie Merry Go Round 36"-56"
Construction Zone 36"
Tea Cups 36"
Playstation 36"
Dino Go Around 36" with Adult
Jolly Roger 36" with Adult
Wiggle Worm 36"
Circus Train 36"

Third Alarm Sponsors

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