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Indian River County Youth Livestock and Horticulture


The Indian River County Youth Livestock and Horticulture Inc is a Florida registered Not for Profit Corporation that is recognized as tax exempt by IRS code 501 (c) 3.

Formed in July 2017 the aim and purpose of the Indian River County Youth Livestock and Horticulture Inc is to promote and encourage the work of 4-H Clubs, Future Farmers of America, and adult leaders of Indian River County in promoting any phase of the agriculture industry.


1. To promote Livestock, horticulture and the agriculture industry in the community, involving youth, and members of their families and community.

2. To teach youth fundamentals and professionalism of animal husbandry and business.

3. To plan and host successful local livestock and horticulture shows highlighting the youth of Indian River County.

4. The main emphasis will not be on profit, but the project as a learning tool to build and develop respectable and responsible young adults with marketable skills.

IRCYLH is a member based non-profit. Membership is open to any individuals 21 and over who live or work in Indian River County and share the mission and goals of IRCYLH.

Members annually elect the Board of Directors, Committee Chairs and Committees that will head the running of the annual fair time show and auction.

Indian River County Youth Livestock and Horticulture Inc

IRCYLH Event Schedule

About 4-H Club Programming

For more than 100 years, 4-H Clubs have been the primary delivery method of the 4-H program. Caring volunteers, together with University of Florida Faculty, provide opportunities for youth to "learn by doing" in a club setting. In their clubs, 4-H members are learning valuable life skills.

Joining a 4-H Club

Most young people join a 4-H club with which they're already familiar. Others join a club based on the types of projects that club offers. 4-H Clubs are open to all youth, ages 5 - 18. Some projects, like large animal projects, are reserved for members 8 years and older.

University of FL 4H

Third Alarm Sponsors

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